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Get to Know Board XXX!

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September 27, 2022

By Media Committee

Feat. Board XXX

Chair : Des

Pronouns: They/Them

How was your vacation?

It was wonderful, I had a great time! It was one of my best summers so far. First I went on my delayed exam trip with my mother. We went to Jerusalem and Tel Aviv. We spent a week and a half there and it was absolutely wonderful! We had the time to take it all in, because there were only a few other tourists (we went out of the ‘tourist season’). So we saw the beautiful culture and scenery and we got to know more about the conflict there between Israel and Palestine.

After that I went to the US, to Wisconsin. Because I did an exchange year there and so I spend time with my host family. My girlfriend currently studies there, so I met up with her and we hung out. It was really great!

Why did you choose to study anthropology?

I originally wanted to go into medicine, but during my exchange year there was one class where I had to cut open a rat. I did it, but I was very upset. After the anatomy class I had a sociology class, so I came into that class, visually upset, and the teacher was like: ‘What is going on?’. So I told him the story and he was like: ‘So what do you want to do?’. I said I really liked sociology, but that I don’t know. He said: ‘Have you ever heard of cultural anthropology?’. I said no. After that he gave me some books, which I read, and some links, which I visited. And I loved it!

I wanted to know why people think the way they think. But sociology was more focused on mentaly ill people and their problems. With anthropology I feel like there are also concerns with what people do, but it is more community based. You get to see the community's inner workings. I was sixteen at the time and I did not know that antrolology existed until that one teacher told me. But yeah that one rat really made sure that I now do anthropology.

Why did you join the board?

I joined the board because I already really liked everything Itiwana was doing. It felt like a place to be at home. Being part of the board is a great way to expand my upcoming year and still be involved in Itiwana. It is a nice way to get in contact with other people after COVID, because that is also something I missed the past two years. So this is something where I get to know people. Being the Chair is a little bit out of my comfort zone, more than with the other ones, but I think that would be fun! And I am doing something next semester that I will enjoy!

What are your expectations?

I think we are going to have fun with the new board, getting really close and do stuff together. It will probably get hard, because I am also trying to do school next semester. But doing both has more pro’s than con’s! I hope it is going to be a good year and I am going to do my best!

What are you most excited about?

I am excited to organize stuff and see how that is going to go. Also, I am excited to have fun with the new board!

What are your concerns about this board year?

We are a smaller board than what the previous board was, so in that way it is a challenge to do everything with less people. We are really enthusiastic and full of ideas, but in the process we might forget that we are with less people. So that is the one obstacle I might see. But I also feel like we are able to overcome it as we go, because we will learn a lot.

What do you want to change?

We have decided we no longer do the cooking committee, because we thought it would be nicer if the ‘food’ aspect could be more incorporated into the other committees. We also want to focus on quality over quantity when it comes to activities. Because we want to have activities which are really fun, where we have the time to prepare them and where we can spend more budget on.

I also want to have more inclusivity. It is already happening within Itiwana, but I really want Itiwana to become a space where everybody feels at home and accepted. I want other people to feel at home at the university and also within the program.

Treasurer & External Affairs: Bente

Pronouns: She/Her

How are you? Tell us about yourself.

I’m doing good. My name is Bente Heydelberg, I’m 19 years old… that feels old. I’m originally from Rotterdam, but I’ve lived in Leiden for over a year.

How was your vacation?

Amazing! I went to Paris with a few friends for three days, I also went to London with my mom for a few days and then I went to Croatia for two weeks with some friends. And it was a lot of fun! I also worked in between; prepared for board year; had parties; went to the beach. It was a normal good summer!

Why did you choose to study anthropology?

I went to an open day in Utrecht and at that moment, I didn’t know which way I wanted to go in with studying. So I asked some family and friends and they told me all: "Oh I think social sciences would suit you very well!" So I went to Utrecht and then I came across anthropology randomly, because I went into a lecture for general sociology and then I saw anthropology and I loved it!

Why did you join the board?

Because I wanted to challenge myself more. I love anthropology, but it doesn't give me enough business experience. It will be good on my CV, but it is also good as an experience. And I would love to make new friends! It’s always nice to meet new people. But, no, I felt like I wanted to do something extra and challenge myself more.

What are your expectations?

I am expecting to work a lot. Making myself crazy with things that I want to do. I have a lot of plans so I’m excited about them! But also lowkey scared because it’s gonna be a lot. So, I expect it to be hard work but work that is going to be very rewarding!

What are you most excited about?

Honestly, the podcast or the movie nights. With the media committee, I want to make a podcast and host a movie night, which are going to be a lot of fun! I feel like this new medium will give itiwana so many opportunities to make itiwana members closer, so I feel like that’s gonna be really cool.

What is an event/activity you’re really looking forward to?

I mean, event-wise, maybe the prom or the open mic night, because those were the most fun last year. And the trips as well, because although I have to go to all the trips and I'm gonna be broke as fuck, it's gonna be a lot of fun!

What are your concerns about this board year?

Because we are with such a small board, a lot of responsibilities lie on all five of us; so it’s gonna be a lot of work. And I'm afraid that we’re gonna overwork ourselves, but I know that the previous board will always help us out if needed. they’ve been so supportive and so sweet. But it is kind of scary.

What do you want to change?

With the ICA committee, which I was in last year, we had so much fun. We had two movie nights. We had so much fun together and got so close. And although I know the educom was a lot of fun too and became really close, I feel like those are exceptions. And I want to make sure next year those formed bonds through the committees are not gonna be exceptions, I want to make that the standard.

Secretary : Eva

Pronouns: She/Her

How was your vacation?

I Worked a lot and then went on interrail, from the Netherlands to istanbul! The train ride was fun, you can see a lot. Especially the trip from Bucharest to Istanbul was very nice. unlike other cities I had been to, Istanbul wasn't as western. I Also knew a bit more about people and culture, having studied anthropology.

Why did you choose to study anthropology?

Simple, I went to an open day and it appealed to me. I Listened to the lecture and thought: "I want to do this!" Especially because of Fielwork in the second year and how we work with different Media.

Why did you join the board?

I had the idea that I didn't do much last year. And then the person who was supposed to become the new Secretary stopped and then I thought why not. I also wanted to get to know new people and I am excited to become close to the new Board.

What are your expectations?

I don't really know what to expect, but it will be super fun; super new and super exciting! I will also be busy and I think it will be stressful. There a going to be lots of activities and I will meet many new people.

What are you most excited about?

I want to get to know everyone and do fun things with the board and the members of Iti! But also, I would like to see the number of activities is being achieved, if everything works out it is going to be great!

What are your concerns about this board year?

I think the time when we don't really know what we have to do yet, will be very stressful. But I think it will become clear by itself, but the first weeks can be stressful.

What do you want to change?

Our current policy builds on where Board XXIX left off. But we will put an extra focus on 'community', so that activities are visited more frequently. We will also keep an eye on international people. We will also try to plan iti- drinks after activities, so people will stick around afterwards!

Internal Affairs: Nora

Pronouns: She/Her

How was your vacation?

My vacation was lovely, thank you, just kind of short.

Why did you choose to study anthropology?

I wanted to study society, so I thought of studying sociology, but then I found CADS at Leiden, which I thought seemed even more interesting, so I applied.

Why did you join the board?

Well, first of all, I always liked the atmosphere of Itiwana; it always seemed to me that everybody was very welcome. I think it’s essential, especially for new students, to have a community that they can be part of within their university and to have the opportunity to be more involved in their studies. I’ll admit that I hadn’t considered being on the board until I was asked if I would like to do it. Still, because I was, I really started thinking about it, and eventually, I realized that I would love to be a part of this community that has felt so friendly and open from the start. I’m also looking forward to having the experience of it, gaining memories, meeting new people, and learning about myself.

What are your expectations?

I don’t have specific expectations, mainly just to have fun but also to gain new skills through managing things within Itiwana, working with the board and a committee, and organizing activities. I’m also expecting (or hoping) to make this year memorable for the members of Itiwana.

What are you most excited about?

I’m really excited about making Hok hours more interactive by, for example, organizing ones where students can play board games and card games.

What is an event/activity you’re really looking forward to?

There are no specific ideas for activities yet, but we plan to organize Itiwana’s OG events, such as the prom and the open mic night; I’m really looking forward to those and the annual trip. I’m also excited about designing new merch.

What are your concerns about this board year?

I like to think that whenever we have a problem or difficulty, we’ll just try to make the best of it instead of panicking, so I don’t really have any concerns. Of course, our goal is to have as many students joining the activities as possible, so maybe something that concerns me is not having many students join something we’ll organise. But we can always ask students what they liked about the activity, what they didn’t, and what they would be interested in, so we’ll always learn something. And if we made one person happy with something we organized, it was worth it.

What do you want to change?

The one thing I can think of right now is just a dream, but it would be lovely if the Hok were a bit bigger.

Communications Officers: Liselot

Pronouns: She/Her

Tell us about yourself.

Hello, my name is Liselot and I’m from the Netherlands, from Heemstede. But I live in Leiden now, almost a month already.

What do you like to do in your daily life?

Right now, I am not following courses yet. But I also just moved to Leiden, so that is taking a lot of my time. But I like to cook with friends, I’m a big cooking person. And also my orchestra, I have a lot of activities with them. I play the Violin. I like to be around people, but I sometimes need to be alone, watch a movie, and rest.

Why did you choose to study anthropology?

In the last year of my High School, I based everything around anthropology without noticing it. I did not even know what it was. And when I was looking for a study, my mom asked me if I knew Anthropology, and I said “no.” But then, when I went to look at it, it was the first study that immediately I felt like it was my thing. And it is still like that, the study is perfect for me. I think this counts for most Anthropology students, because it is such a niche study.

Why did you join the board?

For me, it was having something else besides studying. For a lot of the 3rd years, it feels like we did not really have a student life for the last two years. I wanted to do something else for a little bit and focus on something else. Time to be more creative and it seemed really fun last year! Board XXIX looked close together, and I thought it would be cool to also do it.

What are your expectations?

I think it is going to be really fun! But also really stressful. Because our board is with fewer people, and at every thing we do, we say to each other: “don’t do too much.” I feel like we are really well prepared, maybe more than normal. And we are all super motivated! And we have so many ideas, so maybe there will be a time in which we think: "why did we do this", but once we start it is going to be a lot of fun! And at the end of the year, we e will get a feeling of accomplishment. And also getting to know all the members of Itiwana, like the first years, creating a more ‘community’ feeling.

What are you most excited about?

I am doing the ICA this year and I am really excited about supervising it! Because for the last two years, I have been involved with the ICA. And now I can introduce it to new people! And I am really excited about getting closer to my board. We already work together pretty well!

What is an event/activity you’re really looking forward to?

I am actually really looking forward to prom. Because last year, it was really fun. And it is one of the biggest activities of the year. And with our goal to make Itiwana more like a ‘community’, I feel like at the end of the year, Prom is going to be really fun. And the Trip of course.

What do you want to change?

I don’t think I necessarily want to change anything. One of our Pillars this year, is becoming more like a ‘community’. And after Corona, a lot of people fell out, and now we kind off have to remind them that Itiwana is a lot of fun! We will also focus more on career options. Which is fun and helpful!


On Wednesday October 5, this amazing board will be installed! And you are all invited.

It starts at 18:00 at de Hut van Ome Henne


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